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Preparing For a Divorce


Do you feel as though your marriage is falling apart?

Can you see separation or divorce on the agenda in the not-too-distant future?

If so then you should start thinking and planning ahead!!!!!

This can reduce much of the stress and conflict that you might face if you proceed rush into filing for divorce.

Here are some things you might consider:

Getting your paperwork together!
This can be a daunting task, especially if you haven’t been the one in charge of finances in the relationship. Some of the things you will need could include –

  • bank accounts
  • credit cards
  • loans
  • shares
  • home loans for HDB and private properties
  • income tax statements for the past 3 years
  • marriage certificate
  • birth certificates of your children

Understanding Your Financial Situation
You will need to work out the net worth of your matrimonial property and joint assets. This means everything that you acquired during you marriage. If you are to receive an inheritance, keep it in your name only. Don’t use it to buy marital property so that this money will always remain yours.

It is also a good idea to keep a budget of your income and expenses. This will help to determine the amount of support you or your children will need to live on post-divorce.

Ensure that you can provide for yourself
This means staying employed or becoming employed, even going back to do some training.

Seek Legal Advice
An experienced divorce lawyer can help you to work out your options to further prepare you for your divorce. You can get a rough estimate of the costs involved and will have someone you know to handle your case.

Document your valuables
You should consider photographing your possessions including things like your valuables, appliances etc. This will be proof if things go missing during the divorce.

Don’t Rock the Boat
It is important to keep a good working relationship with your spouse if you are to reach a fair and amicable outcome.